The medical marijuana movement is in full swing. Slowly but surely, the rest of America is waking up to facts we’ve known for quite sometime – cannabis is a versatile plant with a host of practical uses and medicinal benefits. The cannabis plant owes its magical properties to a wide variety of active compounds. THC is the most well known. CBD, its closely related cousin, is steadily gaining a reputation for what it brings to the table.
Short for cannabidiol, CBD is a very unique cannabis component in that it lacks the psychoactive activity traditionally associated with THC. In short, it doesn’t produce euphoria or anything that can be considered a high. Instead, it is responsible for several of the medicinal qualities marijuana is so well known for.
Benefits of CBD
From promoting a good night sleep to treating a number of specific conditions, CBD is as diverse as the plant body it resides in. Following is a list of known CBD benefits:
- Eliminates anxiety. CBD may not shoot you to the moon, but it works extremely well at treating anxiety. A proper dose of CBD can be very relaxing.
- Combats inflammation. CBD has shown great promise at reducing inflammation. As you may know, inflammation can lead to hay fever, certain cancers, and several other debilitating diseases.
- Antibacterial properties. An overplus of bad bacteria is a trigger for gum disease, heart disease, and other serious health issues. CBD acts as a potential lifesaver by slowing the growth of bad bacteria.
- Encourages bone growth. Milk does a body good – so does cannabis when it comes to bone growth. In fact, CBD is showing tremendous potential as an alternative to the toxic medications prescribed for bone deficiencies.
- Regulates blood sugar. Another area CBD has shown great promise in is its ability to lower blood sugar levels. As the benefits become more known, CBD-rich products could potentially become a godsend for the countless people who struggle with diabetes.
- Treats seizures. CBD gained a lot of attention for its role in reducing epileptic seizures for one young patient. Since then, it has been highly sought after by parents seeking alternative treatment options for epilepsy.
- Kills cancer cells. According to, THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids have been shown to slow and even kill the cells in certain types of cancer. Testimonials of patients using cannabis to effectively treat cancer are mounting rapidly.
How to Obtain CBD
By now, you’re probably curious to know about how to get your hands on CBD. You actually have a couple of options:
- Cannabis flower: Since CBD is a naturally occurring cannabis compound, the flower is arguably the best source at your disposal. You can find it in any quality strain, though some varieties are richer in this resource than others. For example, Charlotte’s Web, Cannatonic, and Harlequin are some of the best known CBD-rich strains on the market.
- Vape juice: If you’re a fan of the vaping phenomenon, vape juice may be the best way to get your dose of CBD. While the flavor spectrum isn’t as wide as what we’ve come to know as traditional e-juice, CBD-rich vape oil is taking off as a viable way to consume this amazing molecule.
- Edibles: Remember, CBD lives in cannabis. This means you can obtain it by consuming classic edibles such as brownies and cookies as well as less assuming items the likes of gummies and other candies.
- Other stuff: CBD is also being extracted into a plethora of consumer products. From sprays to topical oinments, it’s showing up everywhere these days.
At the end of the day, conventional wisdom tells us medical marijuana is at its most effective when all its active compounds are working together. Having said that, we are increasingly learning that when properly extracted and isolated, CBD alone can be incredibly effectively. If the classic form of cannabis is out of the question, CBD may be the next best option.